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dc.contributor.authorMartínez González, Maylú-
dc.contributor.authorFranch León, Katia-
dc.description.abstractOrganizational performance improvement, based on learning and innovation, increasingly requires structured information and knowledge management processes. In an increasingly computerized and changing society, the ability to properly manage information is essential to achieve the operational and strategic goals of organizations. The establishment of a knowledge management process ensures the environment in which information is accessible, shared, transformed into new knowledge and allows its use for the benefit of the organization, impacting its competitive advantage. Technology–based companies as an organization that focuses its efficiency primarily on knowledge, delve into this aspect. This bibliographic review article was carried out with the objective of identifying the guidelines that guarantee knowledge management in accordance with the requirements of the Cuban Quality Model for the development of computer applications,provided for in the current normative base for the Cuban state company in the Management and Direction System of the business improvement process. This review provides guidelines for companies that intend to start an improvement process with the aim of: certifying their management model as a State Company of Computer Applications and Services, starting the Business Improvement Process and / or certifying from what it requires. the Cuban Quality Model for the development of computer applications.en_US
dc.publisherEdiciones Futuroen_US
dc.titleKnowledge management as a connection between management and direction system and the quality model for the development of computer applications: guidelines for business improvement and the certification of the modelen_US
dc.rights.holderUniversidad de las Ciencias Informáticasen_US
dc.source.titleUCIENCIA 2021en_US
dc.source.conferencetitleIV Taller Internacional de Ingeniería y Calidad de Softwareen_US
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