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dc.contributor.authorBatista Medina, Isabel-
dc.contributor.authorAlfaro Tamayo, Marisela-
dc.contributor.authorJiménez Álvarez, Marisela-
dc.contributor.authorBell González, Yarivis-
dc.description.abstractThis research aims at socializing the experiences derived from the contextualization of the Common European Frame Reference in the training of language teachers at Oriente University, and in achieving a better preparation of them, both in English and French. This frame offers a common base with descriptive language scales for focusing the teaching of these languages and thus achieve a greater convergence through its system of guidelines, which is necessary to adapt according to the characteristics of each country, territory, and above all, the personal features of each future language teacher. It was evinced that the communicative development in accordance with the linguistic descriptors of each ability is neither lineal nor uniform. It might be possible that an individual could be B1 in the oral expression and A2 in the written expression and vice versa. This reinforces the need to contextualize the referential criteria. With this purpose, it was elaborated a strategic methodological plan that contains a system of actions for undergraduates and the graduates. It consists of methodological workshops where frame adjustments were designed with an integrating logic of the essential knowledge, professional abilities, pre–professional training, upgrading courses, language clubs, mini–libraries, cultural galas, among others. The results are manifested in a deeper study, systematization, contextualization of the referential frame criteria by the teaching staff, which are later reflected in a better gradual preparation of the future language teachers for the different levels of education.en_US
dc.publisherEdiciones Futuroen_US
dc.titleLa contextualización del mcer en la formación de profesores de idiomas en la UOen_US
dc.rights.holderUniversidad de las Ciencias Informáticasen_US
dc.source.titleUCIENCIA 2021en_US
dc.source.conferencetitleIX Taller Lenguaje y Tecnología L@ngtechen_US
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