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Título : Opportunities for improvement to the process and product quality assurance process
Autor : Febles Pérez, Dairys
Trujillo Casañola, Yaimí
Mendoza Garnache, Alberto
Fecha de publicación : oct-2021
Editorial : Ediciones Futuro
Resumen : The systematic analysis of the bibliography allows us to identify that a quality approach towards the assurance of the quality of the processes and work products provides significant advantages concerning the organization’s maturity; however, it requires the institutionalization of good practices, which are difficult to approach. The quality assurance of processes and products is included in various models, standards, and guides for the definition of the process, activities, roles, work products, and other components of a process, which vary depending on the context and the activities that can be executed in a way: iterative, overlapping, combined, concurrent, and/or omitted. Within this investigation the proposals of the CMMI–DEV version 1.3, MPS are analyzed. Br, Resolution 124 of the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba –No. 45 of July 4, 2019, and the MCDAI to identify opportunities for improvement of processes in Productive Activity of the University of Computer Sciences. Similar studies carried out in the last ten years are analyzed. Also, the main improvements are identified in the inclusion of the analysis of risks in the project and those related to the PPQA process area, actions on the causes of non–conformities, the severity of non–conformities more aligned with the monitoring of these, and the usefulness of the processes and work products.
URI : https://repositorio.uci.cu/jspui/handle/123456789/9604
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