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Título : XAVIA PACS-RIS platform and its contribution to diagnosis by digital medical images in Cuba
Otros títulos : Plataforma XAVIA PACS-RIS y su contribución al diagnóstico por imágenes médicas digitales en Cuba
Autor : Orellana García, Arturo
Vega Izaguirre, Leodan
Ceruto Marrero, Gerardo
Méndez Mederos, Arianne
Díaz Ruíz, Marien
López Cossio, Filiberto
Fecha de publicación : 27-dic-2023
Editorial : Ediciones futuro
Resumen : The XAVIA PACS-RIS platform allows to display, storage and transmit digital medical images. It also supports viewing from multiple monitors and allows simultaneous associations with the image server. It is made up of independent and integrated applications following international interoperability standards for the management of medical images and their diagnostic reports. All its components were completely developed with Cuban knowledge and advised by highly prestigious radiologists in the country. This paper focuses on presenting an analysis of the contribution of the XAVIA PACS-RIS platform in the development of digital medical radiology in Cuba. Computer scientists and radiologists from institutions receiving the solution were contacted and interviewed to obtain statistics on the system's operation. By applying the inductive-deductive method, it was possible to reach general conclusions about the processes of patient care in the diagnostic imaging services of health institutions that use the XAVIA PACS system. The platform is implemented in 27 clinical-care institutions until February 2023, being Havana the one with the highest level of introduction of the result. The use of its applications contributes to caring for the environment by replacing radiographic films and their developing liquids, which leads to significant savings on account of imports. Cuba is advancing towards a model of digital transformation in health and the specialty of radiology is at the forefront. The introduction and adaptation of new technologies in this field will promote the initiation of a teleradiology process to and from Cuba, taking the service to all latitudes.
URI : https://repositorio.uci.cu/jspui/handle/123456789/10711
ISBN : 978-959-286-086-5
Aparece en las colecciones: UCIENCIA 2023

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